Our beginnings
What a year it has been! Where to begin?
Der is the culmination of a year's work, and man, how we have worked to get here.
"We should all be entrepreneurs!" We've all heard that one before! It sounds so easy, right? However, as we all know nothing good in life comes easily.
This is our short story.
It begins with a young entrepreneur doubting in himself after a year so rough and painful, that the pandemic was some sort of relief to him.
Der is a belief that we must fight for what we want. It is the ability to overcome any challenge we may face. To get up time and time again, to stumble, to fail, to cry, and yet, never quit.
We hope you embark on this journey with us.
We have worked to create products that encapsulate what this brand is. Premium materials, infinite care, love, and dedication are some of the things that will make our products and brand shine.
Thank you for your support and your belief in us.